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Nurse/Campus Health

Kristy Edney, RN




This is a notification of Texas immunization requirements for students that will be entering 7th grade. As your student receives these immunizations, please provide the school a copy of the record to update your child’s school records.

The Texas Department of State Health Services now requires all students entering the 7th grade to have the following immunizations after turning 11 years of age:

Tdap - 1 dose is required if at least 5 years have passed since the last dose of tetanus-containing vaccine

Meningococcal - 1 dose is required on or after the student’s 11th birthday

Record of receiving these vaccinations must be received by your child’s campus prior to the start of the 2023-2024 school year. Please review your child’s immunization records and make plans to have them up to date. As the start of a new school year approaches clinics begin to have appointments and vaccine clinics that fill up fast, so take the time to plan ahead.

To obtain these vaccinations, please contact your child’s health care provider or the Tarrant County Health Department at 817-248-6066.

Remember to provide a copy of your child’s updated record to their school as he/she receives these immunizations. If your student does not have these vaccines before the first day of school for 2023-2024 school year, they will be sent home.


First page of the PDF file: 2023Spring-SummerShotclinicflyer23